Sunday, November 07, 2010

Mark and Danielle on All Saint's Day in Rome

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Venice 2010

Danielle and I running amok. Danielle noted that every hotel in Venice has a pool.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

I am not sure if this will work, but call me here:

Vacation R.2010

OK - we are finally heading out - we fly this evening to Venice and spend all day Friday there. On Saturday we board the Windstar and begin a short tour of the Adriadic Sea, Croatia, Sicily, Amalfi and then on to Rome. This will be my second time in Venice (third time for Danielle) and my first time in Rome (Danielle's second.)

I am looking forward to some peace and quiet, some time off and fresh scenery.

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

us at the tower bridge

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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Danielle calling her family after the proposal.

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Claudine, Antie Ang and Danielle - Thanksgiving 2005 in Muncy

Mark - please note the beautiful glittered pumpkins... Posted by Picasa

Mark and Danielle at the Gates - Central Park Feb 2005

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Papa Joe

Mark - have no doubt why I am being welcomed into this family... Posted by Picasa

Mark and Danielle New Year's Eve 2005 - Mohegan Sun

Mark - If I would have known our families would both have this photo framed in their houses, I would have shaved and buttoned the top button of my shirt... Posted by Picasa


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We have started a blog to provide a 'one stop shop' for all things Danielle and Mark, including photos, information about the wedding, directions, and whatever 2006 and beyond may bring.

Please drop us an email and let us know your thoughts.

Mark and Danielle